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Improve vocal endurance and stamina with the EMST 150

The EMST 150 expiratory muscle strength trainer helps singers, vocalists and professional voice users to build vocal endurance and achieve better performance.

Vocal stamina and endurance are critical factors that define the singing capabilities of a vocal performing artist. Just like any other muscle, the vocal muscles are also susceptible to injuries and could also lead to vocal fold paralysis, causing significant damage. In addition to maintaining a proper vocal hygiene, the key to a better overall vocal health is strengthening the voice muscles.
EMST or expiratory muscle strength training is one of the ways that singer and professional voice users can strengthen their vocal muscles. EMST targets the muscles responsible for generating voice and sustaining the amount of time before the voice gets fatigued. By practicing EMST, an individual can experience major benefits such as increased vocal stamina and reduced risk of vocal injuries.
Adjusting the EMST 150
The EMST 150 expiratory muscle strength trainer is the best device for singers, vocalists and professional voice users to improve the vocal stamina and endurance. Various voice quality outcomes such as increased MEP (Maximum expiratory pressure) and reduced vocal handicap index are observed after using the EMST 150.

Become a better singer by focusing on your expiratory muscle strength

By incorporating the EMST 150 into your voice therapy program, singers and professional voice users can take their performances to the next level.

EMST150 Key Benefits for Vocalists (and Other Professional Voice Users)

See How Easy it is to Use the EMST150

Customers Testimonials

Clinical Validation of the EMST150 in Benefiting Vocalists

Study/Article: Treatment Outcomes for Professional Voice Users
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