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EMST150 for People with
Neurological disorders

The EMST 150 is the only clinically validated expiratory muscle strength trainer that helps people with neurological disorders to improve their speech, breathing and swallowing functions.

Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, ALS or a stroke progressively affects the brain, nerves or the spine. Depending on the type of disorder, individuals could experience a variety of symptoms including the deterioration of different muscles over time.

Due to weakening of the muscles, individuals could face poor speech, swallowing and breathing functions, which further lead to even fatal risks such as choking and aspiration.

The RMST (Respiratory muscle strength training)
which stands as an umbrella term for EMST(Expiratory muscle strength training) & IMST(Inspiratory muscle strength training) proves to be an excellent solution to prevent, maintain and improve such functions in people with neurological disorders.
Senior woman holding a cup
Adjusting the EMST 150

Target the right muscles

Built on the concept of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training or EMST, the EMST 150 is simple and effective tool to strengthen the expiratory muscles including those responsible for speech and swallowing.

While the EMST 150 works on your expiratory muscles, our IA 150 adapter works on the inspiratory muscles to provide you a fully functional respiratory muscle strength training.
The EMST 150 supports and helps people with neurological disorders to improve their speech, swallowing and breathing disorders. Extensive studies have been conducted to prove the EMST 150 as the most clinically validated expiratory muscle strength trainer available out there.

See How Easy it is to Use the EMST150

Neurological conditons helped through the EMST 150

Parkinson's disease

Staying active and practicing muscle strength activities is essential to live better with the Parkinson’s disease (PD).

As pointed out in this article, strength training helps develop muscular strength and improve cognitive functions.

Therefore, the EMST 150 proves to be an easy-to-use exercise tool for people with PD to improve their speech, swallowing and breathing outcomes from the comfort of their homes.


The effects of a stroke can be temporary or long lasting, depending upon the type.

According to this article, 60% of the stroke cases in India lead to disability, indicating they could lose critical muscle functions such as speech and swallowing.

The EMST 150 significantly improves the swallowing function in patients with acute stroke, and restores the ability to eat food and liquids safely – minimizing the risk of aspiration and choking in such patients.

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

As observed with other neurological conditions, EMST also provides many benefits for MS patients.

Even severely disabled patients with multiple sclerosis can take advantage of the EMST 150 to improve expiratory pressure and cough strength to the level of healthy adults.

This significantly helps patients with MS to prevent deterioration of cough and reduce the risk of aspiration pneumonia, which could even lead to death in some cases.

Customers Testimonials

EMST Efficacy & Protocol for Parkinson’s Patients

EMST Evidence-Based Areas of Effectiveness for Parkinson’s Patients: Improved Cough, Swallow, Speech Breathing, Lowered Aspiration Risk, Increased Maximum Expiratory Pressure and Sound Pressure Level
EMST Protocol for Parkinson’s Patients
The EMST150 training protocol of five sets of five breaths, five days a week for five weeks is supported for Parkinson’s patients.

Clinical Validation of the EMST150 in Assisting Parkinson’s Patients

Study/Article: The Impact of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Speech Breathing in Individuals With Parkinson’s Disease: A Preliminary Study
Study/Article: Impact of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Voluntary Cough and Swallow Function in Parkinson Disease
Study/Article: Impact of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (EMST) on Phonatory Performance in Parkinson’s Patients
Study/Article: Speech and Swallow in Parkinson’s: Prehab and EMST

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