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MEP – Maximal Expiratory Pressure : Why is it important and how do I measure it?

MEP or maximal expiratory pressure is the highest pressure that can be developed during a forceful expiratory effort against a blocked airway, It is measured in cm H2O – centimeters of water and is usually used in medical or physiological applications. In this article, we will know :

Why does MEP matter?
How to measure it?

Why does MEP matter?
Unlike the values such as ml or mm hg that indicate the flow or volume of air, typically reflected by spirometry tests – MEP measures the actual expiratory strength of an individual.

This is because measurement of MEP utilizes a manometer or a pressure threshold trainer, which generally has a one-way valve or an occluded airway through which the individual needs to blow quickly and intensively as compared to the spirometer which involves the individual to blow and sustain the maximum duration in that one single breath.

MEP value is more critical in individuals with compromised speech, swallowing and breathing functions because it provides a better outlook of the expiratory muscle strength. Once the MEP value of such individuals is measured, they can get started with expiratory muscle strength training according to their personal MEP level.

                                                                Source : Six tips for strength training

How to measure MEP?

There are several ways and techniques to measure the MEP of an individual. For more accurate and precise MEP measurement, devices such as Micro RPM can be utilized where in the patient blows through the mouthpiece and the MEP value is produced digitally through the machine. 

                                                                        Source : Research study on thoracic mobility

Another inexpensive way of measuring the MEP is by using a pressure threshold trainer such as the EMST 150

Step 1 : Take the EMST 150 in your hand, and place it on the lowest setting by rotating the know.

Adjusting the EMST 150

Step 2 : Insert the mouthpiece on the end of the device, take a deep breath and blow through the device intensively.

Step 3 : After blowing, if there is a whistle like sound generated that means you have crossed the specific threshold level. 

Step 4 : Start increasing the threshold level by rotating the knob counter-clockwise and blow again. Keep doing this until you find the maximum level at which there is no air coming out from the device.

Step 5 : Once you find that level, turn the knob back 1 turn and blow through the device. This is your personal MEP level.

Once MEP is established, the individual is good to go and start with the expiratory muscle strength training program using the EMST 150

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