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EMST 150 for recovery from head and neck cancer surgery

The EMST 150 is the only clinically validated expiratory muscle strength trainer that can be used before or after a head and neck cancer surgery to accelerate the recovery of the weakened muscles

Malignant tumours occuring in the head and neck region including the mouth, nose, throat, etc. are known as cancers of the head and neck. According to the International journal of head and neck surgery, head and neck cancers contribute to about 30% of all cancers occuring in India.
An effective treatment outcome of the head and neck surgery has an inevitable effect of affecting the muscles responsible for breathing, speaking and swallowing. Therefore, patients recovering from head and neck cancer surgery might experience difficulty in speaking (Dysphonia) , difficulty while swallowing food/liquids (Dysphagia) and even difficulty breathing (Dyspnea).
To prevent weakening and accelerate recovery, rehabilitation of the head and neck muscles should be an utmost priority. Undergoing speech and swallowing therapy along with the EMST (Expiratory muscle strength training) is an essential part of the recovery during a head and neck cancer surgery.
Senior couple taking care of each other
Adjusting the EMST 150
Head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation often aspirate while swallowing food. This study indicates that using the EMST 150 during the radiation cycle of head and neck cancer can reduce aspiration and improve swallowing capabilities. The EMST 150 further helps head and neck cancer patients to improve their voice and control secretions post treatment.
Recovering from a head and neck cancer surgery using the EMST 150
The EMST 150 can be used pre and post head and neck cancer treatment along with your speech and swallowing therapy. Before undergoing a head and neck cancer surgery, exercising with the EMST 150 might prevent the weakening of the muscles to an extent. Post head and neck cancer treatment, patients can utilize the EMST 150 to manage secretions, recover the voice quality, improve swallowing and strengthen the respiratory muscles.

EMST150 Key Benefits for Recovering Head & Neck Cancer Patients

See How Easy it is to Use the EMST150

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EMST Efficacy & Protocol for Head or Neck Cancer Surgery Patients

EMST Evidence-Based Areas of Effectiveness for Head or Neck Cancer Surgery Patients: Improved Maximum Expiratory Pressure, Improved Swallow Function
EMST Protocol for Head or Neck Cancer Surgery Patients
The EMST150 training protocol of five sets of five breaths, five days a week for five weeks is supported for Head or Neck Cancer Surgery patients.

Clinical Validation of the EMST150 in Assisting Head or Neck Cancer Surgery Patients

Study/Article: Expiratory Muscle Strength Training for Radiation-Associated Aspiration After Head and Neck Cancer: A Case Series
Study/Article: Cough Strength and Expiratory Force in Aspirating and Non-aspirating Post-radiation Head and Neck Cancer Survivors
Study/Article: Swallowing Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer Patients
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