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EMST 75 Lite and EMST 150 : Which is the right one for you?

Looking to buy the right EMST device? We have got you covered. In this article, you will learn about :

Benefits of using EMST
Differences between the EMST 75 Lite and EMST 150

As the name goes, expiratory muscle strength training is a technique used to train and strengthen the muscles of expiration, more specifically those involved in speaking, swallowing and breathing.

Both the EMST 150 and EMST 75 are pressure threshold trainers and utilisation of either by an individual will result in improvement of speech and swallowing functions when practiced daily. 

The main benefits of using the EMST 150 or EMST 75 for your training include :

  1. Safer swallowing and airway protection : Individuals with compromised or weakened respiratory muscle strength due to any kind of disorders might face problems with swallowing food or liquids, and this could also lead to serious issues such as aspiration or aspiration pneumonia
  2. Increased cough strength : The EMST device requires daily practicing by the user to blow through the device against a specific resistance and over time this results in increased cough strength which helps individuals in clearing the mucus or secretions.
  3. Improved loudness of voice : Subglottal pressure is one of the important aspects in voice generation, and individuals with compromised respiratory muscle strength generally can’t speak loud enough due to decreased subglottal pressure. 
  4. Better swallowing and breathing co-ordination : The swallowing and breathing functions are one of the most critical aspects in our daily life, and are significantly co-ordinated processes. Utilizing the EMST 150 or EMST 75 can help in improving the co-ordination between these functions.

Difference between the EMST 150 and EMST 75 :

Now that we know how you can benefit by using the EMST devices, let’s dive into the differences between the two devices.


The EMST 150 and EMST 75 Lite are both excellent devices to train and strengthen your expiratory muscles, and provide good results with consistent training. The significant difference lies in the threshold range – the EMST 75 provides a lesser and easier starting point due to the range of 0 to 75cm of H2O  as compared to the EMST 150’s range of 30 to 150cm of H2O. In simple terms, individuals with a more weakened and compromised respiratory muscle strength should start with the EMST 75 Lite and progress accordingly, while those with slightly better strength can start with the EMST 150 itself. If you are still confused, consulting a speech language pathologist can help you out to recognize the current respiratory muscle strength and accordingly guide you to buy the right device.

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  1. Recommended EMST 150 following 4 weeks of Rx’d Swallow Therapy to strengthen weak larynx; tediously taxing as all get-out but definitely makes a diff.

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