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Build your endurance fast with the EMST 150 to achieve the highest level of athletic performance

The EMST 150 along with the IA 150 adapter is the best breathing trainer for athletes and swimmers to build endurance and enhance stamina

Endurance is the single-most critical aspect for high performance athletes who practice running, swimming, rowing, etc.

These aerobic based exercises and therefore require high cardiopulmonary endurance and respiratory muscle strength. IMT or IMST, also known as Inspiratory muscle strength training is one part of the respiratory muscle training, often used to improve endurance.

Built on the same principles as strengthening skeletal muscles, IMT enables the respiratory muscles to work for a longer period of time and prevent fatigue, thereby improving athletic performance.
Long distance running, swimming, cycling and rowing are some of the examples of high endurance sports. These sports push the human body at various levels, requiring the body to pump oxygen at a higher rate to allow the flow of blood in the skeletal muscles. Incorporating IMT into your daily exercise routine will help increase the MIP (Maximal inspiratory pressure), which is direct measure of your current inspiratory muscle strength.
The IA 150 adapter attached to the EMST 150
In this particular study, it is noticed that IMT not only benefits long distance athletes, but also those who participate in short or medium distance sports. The best way to increase endurance and practice IMT is to make use of the IA 150 adapter along with the EMST 150 device.

How to build endurance fast with IMST and EMST?

By simply attaching the IA 150 adapter to the EMST 150 strength trainer, you can exercise both your inspiratory and expiratory muscles. The IA 150 adapter is calibrated with different pressure levels to help you build endurance and strengthen the respirator muscles.

EMST150 with IA150 Adapter Key Benefits for Athletes

See How Easy it is to Use the EMST150

Customers Testimonials

Clinical Validation of the EMST150 in Benefiting Athletes

Study/Article: The Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (EMST) in Elite College Swimmers
Study/Article: The Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Performance of Handball Athletes
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