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Unlock the strength of your respiratory muscles.

The EMST 150 is the most clinically validated device to promote safer swallowing and keep your lungs healthy.

peer reviewed clinical studies
years of research

The EMST 150

The original & most clinically validated breathing trainer providing highest amount of resistance to strengthen your respiratory muscles. It is intended to improve the expiratory muscle strength & promote safer swallowing outcomes associated with :
Picture of the EMST 150


Clinically proven

Clinically proven

The EMST 150 device has been used in over 60 clinical and research studies globally conducted across various institutions.

20 years of expertise

20 years of expertise

The EMST 150 has been designed by the combined knowledge of well respected professors and researchers going through extensive studies since the past 20 years.

Drug free & FDA approved

Drug free & FDA approved

A drug free solution and clinically validated in improve the respiratory strength.

Reduced risk of aspiration and choking

Reduced risk of aspiration and choking

The EMST 150 works on the specific muscles responsible for swallowing and coughing which alleviates the risk of aspiration and choking.

Calibrated pressure levels

Calibrated pressure levels

The EMST devices provides the widest range of calibrated pressure levels ranging from 0-150 cm of H2O so it can be used for everyone.

Compact design

Compact design

An easy to use, handheld design which can be easily carried into a pocket or a personal carry bag so you don’t skip a day of training your respiratory muscles!






Recommended For:

EMST 75 Lite

Expiratory training

0-75 cm of H2O

Safer swallowing

Reduced aspiration and choking

Decreased shortness of breath

Improved speech

Stronger cough reflex

Parkinson’s disease, Dysarthria, Stroke, Head neck cancer, COPD, ALS, MS, Aphasia
The EMST 150

Expiratory training

30 - 150cm of H2O ​

Safer swallowing

Reduced aspiration and choking

Decreased shortness of breath

Improved speech

Stronger cough reflex

Athletes, singers, musicians, Spinal cord injury (SCI), Parkinson’s disease Stroke, Head neck cancer, COPD

Inspiratory training

30 - 150cm of H2O ​

Better diaphragmatic breathing

Reduced airway obstruction

Improved mucus clearance

Faster recovery from mechanical ventilation

Athletes, singers, musicians, Spinal cord injury (SCI), Parkinson’s disease Stroke, Head neck cancer, COPD

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